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Book a Table Talk
Your vision matters! Let's take some time for me to get to know your business needs. What's been working for you? What has been a hindrance? What are new fancy things you heard about that you would like to implement to your website? Lastly, we will discuss the project's pricing and how to strategize next steps.
Build a Strategy
It's time for the nitty gritty fun! Once I have a general idea of what you want to accomplish, I will conduct a Website Analysis ($80) to build an accurate and thorough proposal. If we are starting from scratch, we will hold an additional Table Talk to discuss specifics on how to best solve your website problems.
Execute the Plan
'This is where the fun begins.' We will have a signed agreement of both parties and a 50% down payment of the agreed upon project, and the building begins! Be ready to receive regular updates of the progress of your site and open communication should any last minute changes be required.
What We Offer
No business should be treated with a cookie cutter. We carefully tune our offers to suit the needs of each business.
Build from scratch
Sometimes all you have for a website is a logo and a couple colors you like. At Avery Automations, that is all we need to make a vision become reality. We offer complete website builds that include pages, email/SMS messages, automation, contact management, and so much more. 
Website Re-design
As your business grows, so will your websites' style and function. We work with companies who need the 'spark' back in their online presence including branding, page layouts, improved automation and backend management. Don't let your website fall behind while you soar in the clouds of success, schedule now.
Professional website management
Love your website for how it is but just can't stand the tedious tasks and constant upkeep? That is absolutely understandable. We take the burden of website management with our chins held high while you focus on what you want to do with your valuable time. Come chat with CEO Chase Avery to see how we can best support you.
Kind words
"From the outset, Chase demonstrated a desire to learn more about our vision, translating our basic ideas into a stunning finished product. His attention to detail and willingness to accommodate our specific requirements truly sets him apart..."
Raquel R. - RH&C
"Chase has been a foundational boost to our client/service connection. Several of our clients have made special note of how easy it was to get what they needed because of it. In short, we're happy and we are doing better business because of Chase..."
Justin A. - JRA Designs
"He goes above and beyond with projects, always finding more efficient ways we can be doing things. He has saved us lots of time and money with his suggestions. He always has our company and end users best intentions in mind."
Malia B.
Center For Intuitive Education
"His creativity and copywriting skills help take a ton off my plate. What resulted is one of the biggest differentiators between my business and my competitors. In day 1 of the website, we had more leads than other 5 days combined!!"
Danial H.
Uptown Bark
Our Tools
Ontraport CRM
HubSpot (coming soon)
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Custom API
Copyright 2024 Avery Automations